related to using the website


If you have landed here, it means you value your privacy. We understand it perfectly, which is why we have prepared this document for you, where you will find the principles of processing personal data and the use of cookies in connection with using the website :

Formal information at the beginning – the administrator of the website is Maciej Okręglak, the owner of Tylickie Chałupy cottages, located at 2 Tylickiego Street, 33-383 Tylicz, Poland, hereinafter referred to as the "Administrator". If you have any doubts or questions related to the Privacy Policy, you can contact us at any time by sending a message to the email address:

Short version - the most important information
We care about your privacy, but also about your time. That's why we have prepared a shortened version of the most important principles related to privacy protection for you.

When contacting us through the Contact Form, via email, or over the phone, you provide us with your personal data, and we guarantee that your data will remain confidential, secure, and will not be disclosed to any third parties without your explicit consent.

We use Google Analytics analytical tools, which collect information about your website visits, such as the subpages you viewed, the time you spent on the site, or transitions between individual subpages. For this purpose, cookies from Google LLC regarding the Google Analytics service are used. However, no automated decisions with legal effects are made concerning you. As part of the cookie settings management mechanism, you have the option to decide whether we can also use marketing functions within the Google Analytics service or not.

We use marketing tools, such as Facebook Pixel, to target advertisements to you. This involves using cookies from Facebook. As part of the cookie settings, you can decide whether you consent to us using Facebook Pixel in your case or not.
We provide the option to use social features, such as sharing content on social media platforms and subscribing to social profiles. Using these features involves the use of cookies by the administrators of social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram.

The full Privacy Policy is available in a PDF file under the following link: Privacy policy




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