
Spend your time actively!

Tylicz - a picturesque village in Beskid Sądecki

Tylicz is a picturesque village in Poland, located 6 km east of Krynica Zdrój. It is surrounded by the by the Beskid Sądecki mountain range. It's an ideal place for nature lovers, mountain hiking enthusiasts, and relaxation away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Below, you will find information about the attractions worth visiting during your stay at Tylickie Chałupy.

Odwiedź Tylicz zimą!❄️

❄️ W całej Polsce zaczęło robić się cieplej, a już była nadzieja na białe święta… Jednak u nas w Beskidzie Sądeckim zima trzyma się całkiem dobrze! ❄️🏔️


Source of Love in Tylicz

In 2012, a mineral water pump room was established in Tylicz. The water, which can be tasted in it, is similar in composition and taste to the Main Spring in Krynica-Zdroj and the Tylicz "Szczawa"...


Pump rooms in Tylicz

Tylicz is an area abundant in unique mineral and medicinal waters, as well as carbon dioxide exhalations...


Tylicz in winter - ski lifts

Less than a kilometer from the cottages there is a ski lift, Master Ski, and just over 1.5 km further, another Tylicz Ski lift...


Bike rental nearby

You didn't take your bike and now you think it would be nice to actively explore Beskid Sądecki? Don't worry, because there is a rental shop near our cottages. We encourage you to take advantage of the offer and admire the extraordinary mountain views on two wheels!:)


Tourist trails

A stay in Tylickie Chałupy is a great idea for trekking enthusiasts! Discover the most popular hiking trails among the ranges of Beskid Sądecki…


Thermal waters in Slovakia

About 60 km from the border on the Slovak side, there are Vrbow thermal pools, and a new Lipany water complex was built 30 km from us. A stay in Tylickie Chałupy is the perfect time to visit these extraordinary places.




Jeśli masz pytania, pisz śmiało!:)
