Pump rooms in Tylicz

Tylicz is an area rich in unique mineral and healing waters, as well as carbon dioxide exhalations. For hundreds of years, the local population has been enjoying the benefits of the local springs, but it was not until 1836 that the geologist L. Zejszner described these phenomena.

Sources, effusions and leaks of mineral waters, as well as CO2 exhalations are located in the valleys of the Muszynka, Bradowiec and Syhowny streams. Tylicz boasts 35 springs acid waters. What makes these waters special? Here are the key features: different mineralization, different hydrochemical type, the presence of bicarbonate (HCO3-) as the main anion, and also calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+) and sometimes sodium (Na+) ions as the main cations. These waters are also distinguished by a significant amount of CO2.

One of the most important springs in Tylicz is "Zdrój Główny", also known as "Tyliczanka". It is located in the charming Park Zdrojowy and is accompanied by many legends and messages. Merchant caravans once stopped at this spring on their way from Hungary to Sącz and Kraków. Apparently, this water was served at feasts at the famous Wierzynek. Mention of waters from Tylicz can be found already in Krakow chronicles from the 19th century, and the spring itself is mentioned for the first time in the Book of the Town of Tylicz from 1753.

Type of water in the Zdrój Główny: 0.30% HCO3 -Ca- Mg, CO2, Fe.

Another interesting source is "T 7 Bradowiec", often called the "Source of Love". It is located near the Bradowiec stream and is the second most efficient in Tylicz. The water of this spring is similar in taste and composition to that from the "Zdrój Główny" and is colloquially called "szczawa".

Water typeo of Source T 7: 0.31% HCO3 -Ca- Mg, CO2.

One cannot miss the T 11 Spring of Wanderers, which is enclosed in a concrete lining and flows out right next to the Tylicz-Powroźnik road. This is one of the charming places on the tour route. There is also a map of the "Na Rakowsku" educational trail by the spring.

Water type of Source T 11: 0.31% HCO3-Ca-Mg, CO2.

It is also worth visiting the Source T-21 "Syhowne". It is a source covered with a wooden casing and flows out on the right bank of the Syhowny stream. It is located about 550 m from the road Tylicz-Powroźnik, near the Tourist Settlement "Houses in the forest". There is also a map of the “Na Rakowsku” educational trail at the source.

An additional attraction is Mofeta Tylicz, a unique natural phenomenon that is the result of volcanic activity in Karpaty from 50-60 million years ago. These are natural emissions of carbon dioxide, which can be admired in the Tourist Settlement "Houses in the forest". Mofeta delights tourists with its unusual origin and interesting impact on the environment.

Mineral waters made available for drinking:

– Pump Room Tyliczanka (Zdrój Główny) in Park Zdrojowy in Tylicz/ Konf. Barskich Street

– Pump Room Bradowiec (source T 7, called Source of Love)/ access from Wolności Street

– Source Syhowne/ access from Wolności Street

– Source no. 21  / at the "Na Rakowska" educational path at Wolności Street




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